Monday 22 September 2014

Alex Haley Quotes – A Brief Autobiography Of Famous Writer

Alex Haley (Alexander Murray Palmer) was born in August 11, 1921. He was an American writer and famous as the author of the 1976 well known celebrated novel, 

A Brief Autobiography Of Famous Writer

Named Roots: The Saga Of An American Family.  

Alex Haley spent nearly 20 years in the Coast Guard from 1939-59. After that, began  a second career as a writer and worked for magazines such as Reader’s Digest and Playboy. His first major book was The Autobiography Of MalcomX, published in 1965 and was a big hit. He spent several years tracing his own family history and then decided to go back to African man named, Kunta Kinte. That research lead to Alex’s famous epic book Roots. The book got recognition from famous personalities and also ran on network TV, thus became a national phenomenon. He also became a senior editor for Reader’s Digest. 
Alex Haley won a large number of prizes and awards for his writings and books. He won the Pulitzer Prize winning author for his reputable book known as “Roots”. In 1977, he received the Spingarn Medal from NCCAP for his commendable research and literary skills together combined in Roots. In 1999, the coast Guard honored him by naming the cutter USCGC Alex Haley after him. Named in honor of Alex Haley, the US Coast Guard annually awards the chief journalist Alex Haley award.  The food-service building at Coast Guard Training Center, bears the name of Haley Hall in honor of the writer. After 10 years of his death, Alex Haley received the Korean War Service Medal. 

His writings and books were so much famous that many universities and organizations kept collection of Alex’s work. University of Tennessee Libraries maintains a collection of personal works of Alex Haley, in its Special Collections Department. This collection includes notes, outlines, bibliographies, research papers and legal papers that documented Haley’s Roots through 1977. Some other particular items include Harold Calendars lawsuits against Alex other various affiliated groups. 
Like his remarkable work, Alex Haley Quotes are the great source of inspiration, motivation, thus giving the courage to achieve your goals and aims. Alex Haley quotes fall under a large number of categories such as motivational quotes, inspirational quotes, life, love, art quotes. 
In the late 1970s, he began working on a second historical novel, which was based on another branch of his own family, traced through his grandmother. Alex Haley died in Seattle, Washington, of a heart attack. He was buried beside his childhood home, with the story unfinished.
By learning from the Alex Haley quotes and understanding their real meaning is the best way to pay homage to him - the famous writer of literary world.